Warrior Weekly

Warrior Weekly for February 9, 2025 - February 15, 2025
Next Week's Dates to Remember
Sunday | 2/9 |
Mrs. Sherrod's birthday! |
Monday | 2/10 |
Tuesday | 2/11 |
Wednesday | 2/12 |
House Games (2pm) Parent Book Club Meeting (2:30pm) KPA Choirs Sing at TTU Game |
Thursday | 2/13 |
Friday | 2/14 | All Pro Dad at 7am |
Saturday | 2/15 |
Upcoming Dates to Remember
2/17 Upper School Chapel
Fall 2025 Early Registration opens for Existing KPA Families
2/19 5th Grade State Fair (1:30pm- 4:30pm)
2/21 Parent Book Club Meeting (2:30pm)
2/24 Parent Preview Meeting (7pm)
All School News
Prayer. We know it is important, but we often struggle to do it well. Kimberly Kennedy (Upper School English teacher) talks about some of the best practices to help us grow in praying well.
Grammar School News
Last Friday 3rd-5th Drama Enrichment learned the importance of a set designer for the stage. Students designed the imaginary "Ratatouille" stage play with set pieces, spike tape, and their own creativity.
Slade brought in some unique as well as international currency to share with our third grade class as we explore our Money chapter in math!
We’re all smiles in first learning about teeth and dental health! A huge thank you to Dr. Massey for a wonderful field trip to his orthodontics office. We greatly appreciate all the activities you prepared and the encouragement to take care of our teeth!
Upper School News
In January, the School of Rhetoric Art students competed in the Scholastic Art & Writing Competition. Our students' artwork competed against all the regional schools for the opportunity to win a Gold Key (1st place), Silver Key (2nd place) or Honorable Mention (3rd place).
Please join me in congratulating the following students:
Lily Baier, 2 Silver Keys
Lily Berryhill, 2 Honorable Mentions
Lilly Vazquez, 1 Silver Key, 1 Honorable Mention
A big thank you to the House of Chalmers for helping to set up seating for our community update meeting.
The freshmen showed their spirit during Spirit Week!
Athletics News
The Spirit Squad did an excellent job firing up the crowd at the “boy band” themed pep rally! The boys’ basketball team got into the spirit with an awesome dance montage. Way to Go Warriors!!!
Warrior Weekly for February 2, 2025 - January 8, 2025
Next Week's Dates to Remember
Sunday | 2/2 |
Monday | 2/3 |
Upper School Chapel 7pm: Community Update Meeting |
Tuesday | 2/4 |
Wednesday | 2/5 |
Thursday | 2/6 |
Friday | 2/7 | |
Saturday | 2/8 |
Upcoming Dates to Remember
2/12 Parent Book Club Meeting (2:30pm)
All School News
Neil Anderson (Head of School, Trinity Classical School in Houston) joins Dr. DePoe for a conversation about the highs and lows parents experience in carrying out classical Christian collaborative education. Listen to the discussion describe what parents can expect from the Grammar School to the School of Logic and ultimately in the School of Rhetoric.
Grammar School News
First grade celebrated the 100th day of school with all kinds of activities. We made a creation with 100 legos, made a snack with 100 goodies, tallied 100 on a tee shirt, made predictions about 100 drops of water, and so much more. First grade is excited to be 100 days smarter!
Upper School News
Congratulations to our spirit week dress-up day winners! First place went to the House of Ten Boom (Newsies) and second place went to the House of Liddell (The Sound of Music). Special thanks to all the faculty who voted! The competition was VERY close between all four houses! You all did great!
Athletics News

Warrior Weekly for January 26, 2025 - February 1, 2025
Next Week's Dates to Remember
Sunday | 1/26 |
Monday | 1/27 |
Winter Spirit Week |
Tuesday | 1/28 |
Winter Spirit Week |
Wednesday | 1/29 |
Winter Spirit Week |
Thursday | 1/30 |
Winter Spirit Week Rae Lynn Hamby's Birthday |
Friday | 1/31 |
Winter Spirit Week Pep Rally |
Saturday | 2/1 |
Upcoming Dates to Remember
2/3 Upper School Chapel
Community Update Meeting
2/7 All Pro Dad @7am
All School News
Professor Gary Hartenburg (Houston Christian University) joins the podcast to discuss what it means for classical education to be leisurely. Then, this is contrasted with an approach to education that values it only for its "usefulness." Find out whether classical education's leisurely approach to education makes it useless or not.
Grammar School News
Third grade took their field trip to the Texas Tech Museum and planetarium last week! They viewed a planetarium showing about our solar system and visited the biome and fossil galleries. They were able to explore much of our science content all in one trip!
Friday Enrichment Nature Study has started off this semester with a Bizarre Plant unit! We are learning about some of the most unique plants that God has created. This week we explored the rainbow eucalyptus.
Upper School News
Sheep Brain dissection in BIO 2
The junior class is learning about the amazing brain.
Lots of fun was had at the SoR winter party last weekend. Special thanks to the Student Life ambassadors for planning a great party and to the Riddles for hosting!
Reese Ramsey and Lahna Gabel work on their Science Fair Project with Mrs. Hamby.
Athletics News
The 8th grade navy team won 2nd place in the Christ the King basketball tournament last weekend! Way to go Warriors!