Student Life
Grammar School
Class Parties
Thanksgiving Feast
Grandparents Day
5th Grade Fun Day
School of Logic
Back to School Skate Night
Christmas Celebrations
School of Rhetoric
Rhetoric Retreat
Christmas Celebrations
Powder Puff Football
All School
School-wide and Community Service Projects
Pep Rallies
Mini Cheer Camps
House System
Four houses. One pursuit.
Traditionally the house system provided structure within schools, fostering a culture of belonging and purpose. KPA’s house system is based on historic European models which were utilized within boarding schools and are currently used in other classical Christian schools. The beauty of the familial community is an important aspect of life at KPA. Therefore, a fundamental component of the house system is the practice of merging students and faculty from a large community into smaller ones. Accountability, ownership, and leadership are promoted in these smaller groups, strengthening relationships across grade levels by encouraging students to interact with a broad range of students, promoting a healthy competitive spirit, and ultimately building a generational school community. All members of a family will be delegated to the same house for years to come. It is our hope to one day see KPA students being welcomed into the house that was shared by one of their grandparents!
The houses are named for faithful Christian warriors from earlier periods of history. The names were selected because these people remind us of the struggles they faced and of the faithfulness of God in working in and through His people to further establish and nourish His Kingdom. Their stories are encouraging, and their lives of obedience are worth imitating because they pursued Christ wholeheartedly. Students are encouraged to emulate the warrior spirit of their house namesakes who have faithfully gone before them.
Throughout the year, friendly competitions take place through house games and spirit week dress-up days. House members earn points as a house and also individually through academic and athletic pursuits, and the House Cup winner is announced at the end of the year at the House Cup Ceremony.
Student Congress
“We are ambassadors for Christ.” -2 Corinthians 5:20
Through the Student Ambassador program we emphasize valuable aspects of character, initiative, servant leadership, and unification among the student body. Student Ambassadors pledge to set good examples for others by being students that “…serve, promote unity and harmony, impart spiritual support, and provide encouragement for every event, all for His Kingdom.”
Student Ambassador Expectations
- Attend Student Ambassador meetings
- Participate in student body fellowships and service projects
- Serve as greeters at Parent Previews and the Spring Gala
- Serve within the following four categories:
- Student Life Events Coordinator—Plan events and fellowship opportunities
- School Spirit Leaders—Promote spirit at school, sports, etc.
- Service Project Coordinators—Organize service projects and other opportunities
- Spiritual Coordinator—Help lead the student body’s spiritual life, Bible studies, and other projects (such as presenting a devotional during Leadership, leading classmates in singing “The Doxology” at lunch each day, etc.)
Participation Requirements
Those wishing to participate in Student Ambassadors must be full-time KPA students who are in good academic standing. Additionally, students must be:
- Nominated by peers;
- Recommended highly by two current teachers; and
- Interviewed and ultimately selected by faculty.